A non toxic cleaner that won't harm children or pets

A non toxic cleaner that won't harm children or pets

Every day, over 300 children in the United States ages 0 to 19 are treated in an emergency room. Every day, twoNon toxic children die, as a result of being poisoned. Accidental poisoning is the 2nd leading cause of unintentional injury death in the United States behind car accidents, according to the the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

This huge problem is understated because even though a child might not die from an accidental poisoning, they can suffer permanent damage to their organs and handicap them for the rest of their young lives. The statistics on death do not do the danger justice. Children are also more sensitive to toxins that adults, because of their small size and immature organs. 

One of the most common poisons in the home are spray cleaners. The average home contains several poisonous spray cleaners. These include window cleaner, tub and tile cleaner, kitchen cleaner, carpet cleaner, cleaner degreaser, air freshener, floor cleaner, spot remover, disinfectant cleaner etc. The list is practically endless. 

Young children are fascinated by spray bottles. There is something about the trigger that makes spray bottles irresistible to young children. They are colorful and usually scented with toxic fragrances to make them smell good. One study by researchers at Nationwide Children's Hospital found that spray bottles were involved in 40% of all household cleaner poisonings involving children.

Protect your loved ones from toxic chemicals

Keep in mind that the toxic brands that are sold to the public as safe, are not only poisonous, but they contain chemicals so toxic that chemists in the lab wear lab coats and respirators when handling them. They contain many known human carcinogens too. 

Remember pets are just as susceptible to being poisoned as children. Dogs are dying from cancer at an alarming rate. Dogs are constantly licking the floor to pick up crumbs etc. Toxic floor cleaners leave toxic residue on the floor. 

The safest way to protect your family and pets is to totally eliminate toxic chemicals from your home. 

Many people mistakenly believe there is no substitute for toxic chemicals to clean their homes. Well now there is a totally non toxic all purpose cleaner that works as good or even better  

Now there is a non toxic cleaner that won't harm children or pets. It's called GVP Formula 433. This product is so non toxic that a child could drink it will no ill effects other than a slightly upset stomach if they ate something greasy beforehand. 

GVP Formula 433 is odorless and is a powerful concentrate so you dilute it with your own water. This saves a ton on shipping cost. This product will actually save you money compared to the toxic poisonous nationally advertised brands. 

GVP Formula 433 is a powerful cleaner and degreaser. For more information on how GVP Formula 433 works click here.


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