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ADHESIVES (2:1) – Spray and allow to soak 15 to 20 minutes. Scrub with brush or scraper, rinse clean.
AIR FILTERS (60:1) – Spray, let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse completely and dry before use.
ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER (30:1) – For regular jobs, apply and wipe. For hard jobs, spray on, scrub with a brush, stand for two minutes before wiping.
ALUMINUM (60:1) – Spray and wipe. If needed allow to soak, scrub before wiping.
APPLIANCES (30:1) – Spray, wait for 5 seconds, then wipe.
AQUARIUMS (30:1) – Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning, using solution in place of soap or detergent. Rinse thoroughly and carefully, as aquariums are glass. (see also GLASS). "SAFE" helps eliminate odors from aquariums, snake habitats and other pet areas without leaving a toxic residue.
NOTE: Take caution if pet spiders and insects live in the aquarium. "SAFE" emulsifies oil-based creatures, (insects, spiders) so completely rinse the "SAFE" from surfaces before your pets return home.
ASH TRAYS (30:1) – Spray, rinse, then wipe.
AUTO EXTERIOR (30:1) – Work on a cool surface in shade. Spray, wait 30 seconds to remove bugs, bird poop, wipe with damp cloth. Fill a bucket with 4-6 ounces of solution, add water, use sponge to clean car. Rinse clean with hose. "SAFE" run-off does not harm the environment or your landscaping.
NOTE: "SAFE" is an oil emulsifier that emulsifies wax. Always use a diluted solution, never concentrate, and rinse immediately and thoroughly with plenty of water to avoid stripping the wax finish off the car. Wipe and rinse clean with hose.
AUTO INTERIORS (60:1) – Note: for Leather Interiors see section on LEATHER. Spray solution on all surfaces first to allow grime to begin
breaking down while you work. Use a small brush or toothbrush to get into crevices. Wipe each surface with damp towel or cloth (spray with
distilled or other purified water for greater cleaning power). Scrub where necessary. Follow with dry cloth. For fabric upholstery, use an aerating foamer pump dispenser with a light solution (60:1).
Brush clean in a circular motion. Lift stains by spot cleaning and pressing with clean cloth, alternating damp cloth with dry cloth.
AUTOMOTIVE PARTS (30:1) – Soak in a container filled with solution. Wipe or brush clean.
BABIES (60:1) – Use from a spray bottle or make a silky, foaming bubbly “Baby Bath” with solution in an aerating foaming pump dispenser. It makes an easy, no-drip foam that you can lather on baby before placing in tub to rinse and play. You can also squirt or spray onto a soft sponge or puffy ball and agitate with hands into a gentle lather.
BABY BOTTOMS (60:1) – Make NON-TOXIC baby wipes by spraying solution onto a soft, moist towel. Wipe baby’s bottom. Using aerating foamer pump dispenser, apply one or two pumps onto a tissue for a non-toxic clean bottom.
BABY TOYS (60:1) – Spray solution onto washable toys. If needed, use small brush then rinse.
BACKYARD STUFF (30:1) – Spray, soak or scrub play equipment using water pressure if needed.
BASKETBALLS (30:1) – Spray, clean with a damp cloth. Use brush if needed, then rinse.
BATHTUB MAT (30:1) – Spray both sides with solution. Wait 30 seconds, use brush, then rinse.
BATHTUBS (30:1) – Sponge on or spray solution on all surfaces. Wait 30 seconds, use brush, then rinse.
BATHROOMS (30:1) – "SAFE" can be used for every corner of your bathroom!
BEACH TAR (30:1) – Spray directly on tar. Rub with fingers, then rinse with ocean water if still at the beach! At home, use an old rag to wipe tar off feet, shoes or other surfaces after spraying with "SAFE". An aerating foam pump dispenser works great for the car. Don’t go to beach without it!
BEVERAGE STAINS (60:1) – Use one paper towel behind stain. Wet stain lightly with purified water. Spray solution on second paper towel. Press directly on the stain. Repeat procedure. Do not rub, dab to remove water and lift stain from material.
BICYCLES (30:1) – Spray solution on entire bike. Wipe with damp cloth, then dry.
BIRD CAGES (60:1) – Dampen cloth thoroughly with "SAFE" and wipe all surfaces. Spray directly on droppings put a damp tissue on top of dropping for a few minutes and let sit for a few minutes and scrub if needed. Spray bottom of cage with solution after cleaning to prevent odor.
BLINDS (VENETIAN AND MINI) (60:1) – Use damp cloth sprayed with solution, then wipe with dry cloth.
BLOOD (30:1) – Use solution from a spray bottle or an aerating foamer pump dispenser on blood spots. Let soak, use brush, then rinse. For larger spots soak over night. For mattresses, upholstery, and carpet, pump foam on spot, wait for stain to lift off surface.
BOATS & YACHTS (30:1) – For areas coated with carbon or oil, spray with "SAFE" and wait up to 30 minutes. Wipe with wet cloth. For other areas, wait from 30 seconds to 2 minutes before wiping, depending on the type of surface. For vinyl seats, spray with "SAFE" and wipe with a damp cloth. Use brush if needed.
BODY/BATH WASH (60:1) – "SAFE" is the soap of choice for the hypoallergenic, chemically sensitive, and health-conscious. Cleans great and will not irritate the skin.
BOWLING BALLS (30:1) – For a tacky bowling ball surface, spray with "SAFE" solution, then buff it with a damp cloth.
BRASS (30:1) – Removes oils left from hands on railings and other brass surfaces. Spray solution on dampa cloth, wipe, then dry completely.
BRICKS (30:1) – Spray solution directly on bricks or dip a stiff brush into solution and scrub. Rinse. A heavier concentration may be needed.
BRONZE (60:1) – Spray cloth with solution, wipe, then dry completely.
BUG BITES (10:1) – Use a poultice made with "SAFE". Breaks up the toxic venom from mosquitoes, wasps, bees, spiders, etc.
BUGS (60:1) – Since "SAFE" is an oil emulsifier, and insects are oil-based, just spray to kill them!
BUG STAINS (30:1) – Spray on stain. Wait 30 seconds, then wipe with a wet cloth.
BURNED ON PLASTIC (& GLUE) (30:1) –Spray the burned on plastic or glue and wait a few minutes. Then scrub it with stiff brush. Rinse.
CABINETS (60:1) – Laminated – Wipe with cloth dampened with solution, then dry.
CAMPING GEAR (30:1) –Spray, scrub and wipe. Great mildew deterrent, and phenomenal for cleaning off soot from campfire! "SAFE" makes a great waterless hand and body wash and does not contaminate the eco-system so don’t forget to take it camping!
CANDLE WAX REMOVAL (2:1) – Chill, crack and peel off excess wax. Use 30:1 solution if on a delicate fabric.
CAR (60:1) – Scrub with sponge, rinse with hose, then dry. See more details under AUTO INTERIOR and AUTO EXTERIOR.
CARPETS (300:1) – "SAFE" is great for carpets and rugs. Spray solution directly on stain. Use cloth to work into spot. Wait for 30 seconds, then blot and wipe with lint free cloth. Re-move with plenty of water and pat dry. More than one application may be needed for harder stains. When using a machine to clean carpets, use 1/2 ounce of "SAFE" Concentrate per gallon of water. Use the soap solution only ONCE on the carpet, then rinse completely with water. Pre-spot with a stronger solution. Test small area first.
CATS (60:1) – Wash your cat as usual, replacing cat or flea shampoo with a 60:1 solution of "SAFE". Squirt the cat with solution in a squeeze bottle or use aerating foam dispenser, starting at top. Lather for 5 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry. Your cat will thank you for being free from bugs and poisons, and having healthier skin. "SAFE" will kill all insects including fleas and ticks.
CAT LITTER BOXES (30:1) – Empty litter. Generously spray with "SAFE" solution to clean and control odor. Fill box with water, wait 30 minutes, then rinse.
CAULKING, DRIED (30:1) – Spray on, wait 10 seconds, then wipe with damp cloth.
CEILING FANS (60:1) – Wipe dust off. Spray cloth with solution, wipe and dry.
CEMENT (30:1) – Wet area to be cleaned. Spray with "SAFE". Use a stiff brush to scrub area. Rinse. If very grimy, a heavier concentration may be needed.
CHROME (60:1) – Spray on and wipe with damp sponge. Dry with smooth cloth.
CLOSETS (60:1) – Spray shelves, walls, floors and wipe. To help deter bugs, leave a residue of "SAFE" solution in corners and crevices.
CLOTHES (30:1) – Clothes last longer when avoiding strong detergents, hot water and rough agitation. "SAFE" is just as strong in cold water. Clothes can be washed in the gentle cycle simply by pre-soaking first. Always use a solution that has been pre-mixed with water to get the best results.
Use 2 to 3 ounces of 30:1 solution
Use 3 to 4 ounces of 30:1 solution
Use 4 to 6 ounces of 30:1 solution
Toxic residues, which are absorbed by the skin, never completely rinse out of clothes when washed in chemical detergents. When considering health, wash clothes with "SAFE" or GVP Soap Nuts.
See more details including different kinds of fabrics under DELICATES and LAUNDRY.
COFFEE MACHINES (30:1) – Add 2 oz. of diluted "SAFE" to coffee pot, then fill remainder of pot with water. Pour into coffee machine, turn on. When done, run a pot of plain fresh water through the machine.
COLD SORES & FEVER BLISTERS (30:1) – Apply directly to afflicted spot.
COMBS (30:1) – Spray and rinse after removing hair.
COPIER TONER (30:1) – Apply solution and wipe with cloth. If stain is on an area that shouldn’t get wet, spray solution onto cloth, wipe, then dry with a dry cloth.
COUNTER TOPS (60:1) – Apply solution, wait 1 minute, sponge off. To remove stains, scrub be-fore wiping off.
CRAYON (30:1) – Spray, let sit 30 seconds. Rub with a damp cloth. For painted walls or wallboard, test in an inconspicuous place. Spray damp cloth and rub.
CURTAINS (30:1) – Test on a hem to insure curtains will not water stain. Spray on a moist cloth, then gently rub spots. Launder according to directions. "SAFE" does wonders in the gentle cycle and in cold water after pre-soaking!
WOOD (60:1) – Wet deck. Spray, let solution sit for several minutes. Scrub deck with stiff brush. Repeat if needed.
DELICATES (30:1) – Add 2 to 4 ounces of solution to bucket, sink or
washing machine. Soak for 15 – 30 minutes. Soaking does the cleaning! Rinse by using fresh water or running the gentle cycle.
DENTURES (30:1) – Soak in a container filled with 30:1 solution. Brush with a toothbrush. Do not use on brand new dentures! Wait one month for denture material to “set”. Dentures soaked in "SAFE" do not build up tartar!
DIAPER PAILS (30:1) – Spray with "SAFE" every time you empty it. wait 5 minutes, then wipe. Respray to maintain freshness for new load.
DIAPERS (30:1) – Rinse off poop. Soak in bucket with 2-4 ounces of solution added to water. When ready to launder, rinse off and throw into washing machine. For brighter whites, add food grade hydrogen peroxide along with "SAFE". Bleach is not recommended as it is very toxic. Oxyclean is a non toxic alternative to bleach!
DINING ROOM FURNITURE (100:1) – Lightly wipe furniture with solution dampened cloth. Follow with dry cloth. Do not use on antique or varnished wood surfaces.
DIRT (60:1) – Grit from garden and playing sports comes clean with solution. Soak if dirt is ground in.
DISHES (30:1) – Add "SAFE" to sink full of water for washing dishes, pots and pans. Vary strength according to greasiness of items. Grease comes off your dishes and gathers on the edge of the sink! For additional suds, spray solution directly on sponge and agitate, or use an aerating foam pump dispenser. ("SAFE" alone does not create lots of suds, but it cleans exceptionally well.)
DISHWASHERS (30:1) – Dishwasher detergents are the #1 cause of childhood poisonings. Alleviate caustic chemical residues by using "SAFE" right in your dishwasher! Pre-spray heavily soiled or greasy dishes with solution as you load them. Use 1-2 ounces of solution in reservoir on dishwasher door. Amount of "SAFE" solution depends on your water, use more for “hard” water, which has more minerals.
DISPOSALS (30:1) – Spray directly into disposal to clean and remove buildup.This cleans your dis-posal and removes buildup.
DOGS (60:1) – "SAFE" is safe for puppies, dogs and other pets (but not insect pets!) Use a sponge soaked in 60:1 solution, or a squeeze bottle to apply solution (an aerating foam dispenser works great). Lather up your dog for at least 5 minutes, then rinse. You’ll be amazed at how fleas and mites and ticks are killed and how itching lessens.
DOORS AND DOOR FRAMES (60:1) – To clean fingerprints, dirt and grime from doors and frames, spray onto a clean cloth or spray directly on surface then rub.
DRAINS (30:1) – Pour 8 to 12 ounces of the "SAFE" solution into the drain. Wait 2 to 5 minutes. Use a suction plunger. Rinse, repeating as needed. Works great on grease clogs. Will not remove or dissolve hair.
DRAPES (30:1) – Test on a hem to make sure your curtains will not water stain. Mist "SAFE" solution on a moist cloth. Gently rub spots. Launder according to directions. "SAFE" does wonders in the gentle cycle and in cold water after presoaking!
DRAWERS (60:1) – Remove grit and keep out bugs by spraying and wiping the corners and linings of drawers.
DRIVEWAYS (30:1) – To remove oil stains from driveways or garage floors, spray with water first, then spray with "SAFE" solution. Wait several minutes, rub with stiff brush, then rinse.
DRY ERASE BOARDS (60:1) – "SAFE" doesn’t just move the dry erase ink around – it gets the board white again! Spray directly on the white board, and wipe with paper towel. Apply pressure to older, faded dry erase ink marks,or allow it to soak for a few minutes, repeat as needed. (Note: If difficult to write on board after cleaning, simply rinse with pure water and dry completely)
DUST (300:1) – Spray the solution on a clean cloth. Follow with a dry cloth.
ELECTRODE CONTACT (10:1) – Use as a wet contact or coupling agent instead of the goopy, smelly gel for electronic muscle stimulators or exercisers.
ENGINES (30:1) – Cool the engine. Hose off with water. Spray solution over all surfaces of wet engine. Wait up to 30 minutes, then scrub with a stiff brush. Use strong water pressure to rinse. For heavy duty engine cleaning, increase concentration of "SAFE"™ solution.
EXHAUST FANS (30:1) – Remove protective grille, spray, wait one minute, wipe.
FABRIC (60:1) – See directions for specific types of fabrics or types of stains.
FACES (60:1) – "SAFE" is the soap of choice for the hypoallergenic, chemically sensitive, and health-conscious individual.
FANS (30:1) – Remove protective grille, spray, wait one minute, wipe.
FARM EQUIPMENT (30:1) – Follow manufacturer’s instructions. Spray and wipe, scrub with stiff brush, if needed. To clean or degrease an unpainted part, put 30:1 solution in a bucket or tub to cover part, let soak until it can be easily wiped clean.
FAUCETS (30:1) – Spray. Wait 30 seconds. Use small brush to remove gunk. Wipe with damp sponge. Buff with a dry cloth for a sparkle.
FENCES (30:1) – Wet with water, then spray and rub with a stiff brush. Cross-reference with steel / wood / plastic.
FIBERGLASS (30:1) – Spray, wipe and rinse.
FILTERS, AIR (60:1) – Spray filter, wait 60-130 minutes, rinse thoroughly.
FISH ODOR (2:1) – Spray area, wait for 2-30 minutes, wipe and rinse thoroughly.
FISH TANKS (100:1) – No more fear about chlorine killing your fish! Empty tank, spray and wipe with "SAFE"™, then rinse.
FLEAS (300:1) – Spray directly on pet fur, or lather up your puppy with foam from an aerating foam pump dispenser and watch fleas die and flee as you rinse them out. Continue to use "SAFE" for the most beneficial shampoo for your pet.
FLOOR WAX REMOVAL (30:1) – Spray floor generously with solution, wait a few minutes, scrub with a stiff brush, rinse and mop dry.
FLOORS (100:1) – Sweep to remove loose dirt and grit. For entire floor, use a mixture of 1 ounce of concentrate per gallon of water. For hard spots, spray 60:1 solution directly on the spot. Rub until it comes up. For tile floors, use a soft brush to clean grout. For vinyl flooring, use a cloth to rub the hard to clean spots. Dry with a soft cloth.
FLOWERS (100:1) – Try "SAFE" with cut flowers! They last longer and look brighter.
FOOD PREP AREAS (30:1) – Spray generously and wipe.
FOOD STAINS (30:1) – Spray towel with solution. Wet stain slightly with water first. Rub stain gently with solution-dampened towel, using fingers or brush if needed. Rinse and blot to lift stain. As with all stains and spots, keep a clean cloth behind the spot as you work to lift stain from the front. The sooner you apply "SAFE"™, the better. Keep sample spray bottles in car and purse to always be ready!
FORMICA™ (30:1) – Spray, wait 5 seconds, then wipe.
FRUIT WASH (60:1) – Spray, rub and rinse. For small fruits (grapes, berries, cherries, etc.), place in bowl, cover with water, and spray solution several times into bowl. Wait for a while. Then swish around, drain and rinse with fresh water. Removes pesticide residue.
FRUIT (THIN-SKINNED) (60:1) – Great for tomatoes, peaches, strawberries, and other thinner-skinned fruits. For heavily pesticide produce, let sit for 30-60 minutes before rinsing.
FURNITURE (FABRIC) (60:1) – Test for color fastness first. Spray lightly on fabric, wipe with cloth. Use soft brush for hard to get out stains.
FURNITURE (WOOD) (60:1) – Spray onto a damp cloth or directly on surface. Dry with cloth.
FURNITURE REFINISHING (2:1) – To remove varnish or paint, apply solution or straight "SAFE"™ concentrate with a cloth or brush. Wait at least 5 minutes. Wipe with a wet cloth. Use a fine grade steel wool to get into crevices if needed. As with any paint or varnish remover, multiple applications may be necessary. This non-fuming, non-chemical method permits chemically sensitive individuals to get creative with furniture and antiques.
GARAGE FLOORS (30:1) – To remove oil marks from driveways or garage floors, first spray with water, then spray with "SAFE" solution. Wait several minutes. Rub using a stiff brush. Rinse.
GARBAGE CANS (30:1) – Spray, wait at least one minute, then wipe. For difficult spots, spray and scrub. After cleaning, spray your trash bags, barrels, buckets and boxes to keep insects away and help control odors.
GARDEN EQUIPMENT (30:1) – Spray and wipe.
GLUE (& BURNED ON PLASTIC) (30:1) –Spray, wait a few minutes, scrub using a stiff brush or scrub pad. Rinse.
GLASS (300:1) – Spray very diluted solution of "SAFE" directly on glass surfaces (Higher concentrations tend to streak). Wipe, then dry.
GRASS GROWTH (100:1) – Put "SAFE" into hose dispenser. Use 1 ounce of concentrate for each gallon of water.
GRASS STAINS (30:1) – Dampen fabric and spray with "SAFE"™, rub into stain, then launder.
GREASE (30:1) – "SAFE" works GREAT on grease! Spray, soak, wipe and rinse. Use stronger solution if needed.
GRILLS (30:1) – Spray and wait a minute or two. Scrub using a stiff-bristle brush dipped in water. You will love the oil and soot emulsifying properties of "SAFE"™!
GROUT (30:1) – Spray solution into grout lines. Wait for 2 minutes or more. Scrub if needed, then rinse.
GUM (30:1) – Spray, rub into gum until it breaks apart. Rinse.
GYMWEAR (30:1) – Spray into shoes, on socks and other gym wear/equipment to alleviate mold/fungus/germs.
HAIR (60:1) – Ideal non toxic chemical free shampoo for all ages. For more lather, use an aerating foamer pump dispenser. Kids love it! Or, spray into hair, work into lather, rinse. Great for the chemically sensitive!
HAIRBRUSHES (30:1) – Spray and rinse after removing hair. If desired, leave soaking in solution, then rinse clean.
HANDS (60:1) – People of all ages love using an aerating foamer pump dispenser. Or spray hands, rub and rinse. Works great even in cold water!
HARD WATER STAINS (30:1) – Spray and wait a few minutes, scrub using a stiff brush.
HEAD LICE (10:1) – Ponytail hair on top of head, if possible. Using spray bottle or aerating foamer pump dispenser, apply "SAFE" around outeredge of hairline, starting with nape of neck (to cut off “escape routes”). Continue applying, working toward center of head or ponytail. Work into lather and twist ends of hair and use to rub against the scalp as a “scrubber”. This helps break loose the spiral rings that hold the “nits” (eggs) in place. Leave on hair for 20 to 30 minutes if it has not been previously treated with a pediculicide. If hair has been treated with pediculicide, leave on hair for 45 to 60 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. Dry hair with blow dryer, then brush hair 600 strokes after drying. Then dilute balance of solution with equal part of water and use daily for shampooing.
HEARTH STONES (30:1) – Spray, then wipe.
HEEL MARKS / SCUFFS (30:1) – Spray on scuffed surface, wait a minute or two, and wipe. Scrub using a stiff brush if needed.
HOT TUBS (30:1) – Spray on empty hot tub, wipe with a cloth, scrub using brush if needed. Use "SAFE" solution (1-pint solution per 1,000 gallons of water) to prevent buildup.
HUMIDIFIER ADDITIVE (30:1) –I don’t like to use the antibacterial recommended for my wick humidifier, so each time I fill it, I spray a couple of squirts of "SAFE" in it instead. It keeps the wick from developing bacteria. I also clean the inside of the humidifier with "SAFE"™, which takes off all the accumulated scum and dirt. That way, I know I am breathing toxin-free air.
INDUSTRIAL MACHINES (30:1) – Spray, scrub and rinse. Use a stronger solution if needed.
INK (30:1) – Spray on stain, rub, then launder. May not remove previously laundered stains.
INSECTS (60:1) – To make insects unhappy, spray infested area, then leave residue to dry. Spray areas where bugs enter house to keep them out make them unwanted. Use stronger dilutions if needed. Spray directly on bugs to kill them. "SAFE"™ helps wash fleas and mites out of pets’ fur. Try it for you and your pet!
JEWELRY (60:1) – Soak jewelry overnight in 60:1 "SAFE"™; use a soft brush if needed. Rinse and dry. Or, spray with "SAFE"™, brush with a soft brush, rinse and dry. Not recommended for opals and pearls.
KIDS (60:1) – "SAFE" is the soap of choice for the hypoallergenic, chemically sensitive, and the health oriented individual.
KITCHEN APPLIANCES (60:1) – Spray, wait 5 seconds, then wipe.
KITCHEN CABINETS (60:1) – Spray surface and then wipe. To remove stains, scrub before wiping.
KITCHEN FLOORS (30:1) – First sweep. Use a mixture of 1/2 ounce of concentrate per gallon of water. For hard spots, spray directly on the spot. Rub until it comes up. For tile floors, use a soft brush to clean the grout. For vinyl floors, use a cloth to clean hard spots. NOTE: Leaving a residue on the floor will make insects very sad.
LAUNDRY (30:1) – Use "SAFE" or GVP Soap Nuts to replace toxic commercial laun-dry detergents. For the best results, always use a solution pre -mixed with water—NOT raw Concentrate since it more rapidly disperses in the wash cycle. Pre-spot stains with solution sprayed directly on spot. Rub fabric together or use a brush. Soaking helps lift dirt and stains.
Use 2 to 3 ounces of 30:1 solution
Use 3 to 4 ounces of 30:1 solution
Use 4 to 6 ounces of 30:1 solution
If laundry is especially greasy or soiled, soak at least 30 minutes or overnight if needed. Use the pre-soak feature on your washing machine or fill as usual and allow to agitate for 2 minutes. Stop the wash cycle for the desired amount of soaking time. Then resume washing. "SAFE" cleans just as powerfully in cold water as in hot water. Since hot water breaks down fabric and dyes, you can launder with "SAFE" in cold water to promote fabric longevity. Your clothes will look better and last longer. NOTE: Local water quality varies by municipality and regions. “Hard” water (high in minerals) will require more "SAFE" solution than “soft” water. Minerals in hard water also cause dull, dingy/discolored whites.
For brighter whites, consider investing in a water softener instead of using poisonous bleach. "SAFE" activates the residue in previously bleached clothing. This should disappear after several washings. Food grade hydrogen peroxide works well with "SAFE" for a non-toxic whitening effect. Chemicals and fragrances in most laundry detergents are actually poisonous, containing many known carcinogens that remain in fabrics to be absorbed by your skin all day. In turn, they leave toxic residues in your tissues and fat cells that can cause serious health problems and diseases. "SAFE" is totally non toxic and carcinogen free. To eliminate both dirt and chemicals out of clothing and away from your skin, launder with "SAFE" or GVP Soap Nuts instead of chemicals.
LAWN FURNITURE (30:1) – Spray, then wipe. Clean regularly or the stains may not come off.
LEATHER (60:1) – First test for color fastness on remote area. Spray solution on a damp cloth and wipe the leather furniture or clothing. For difficult stains, brushing with a small soft brush may be needed.
LICE, BODY (10:1) – (see HEAD LICE)
LIPSTICK (30:1) – Spray, then wipe with a damp towel. Work into the stain and remove with a damp cloth. Launder as usual if stain is on clothing.
LITTER BOXES (CAT) (30:1) – Empty litter box, spray and wipe. Also, spray directly on litter to control odor.
LIVING ROOM FURNITURE (60:1) – Spray, then wipe on vinyl, acrylic coated, chrome, steel, and plastic.
MARKERS (30:1) – Spray on stain, rub vigorously, then launder. May not remove “set-in” stains if previously laundered.
MAKEUP REMOVAL (60:1) – Spray washcloth with solution, then wipe off. Use a gentle solution in an aerating foamer pump dispenser for mascara. Lather eyelashes and rinse.
MEDICINE CABINETS (60:1) – First empty, then spray and wipe.
METAL (60:1) – Spray, then wipe using a stiff brush if needed.
MINI-BLINDS (60:1) – Close blinds. Wipe solution on with damp cloth, then dry with soft cloth.
MIRRORS (600:1) – Use 1/2 ounce of "SAFE" concentrate to one gallon of purified water. Spray, rub, then wipe. Buff dry with a second soft cloth. if it streaks add more water.
MOBILE HOME / MOTORHOME (30:1) – Spray bug stains, tar, and heavily soiled spots with solution. Scrub with brush. Then put 1 ounce of "SAFE" concentrate in a gallon bucket. Sponge or brush on surface. Rinse clean. See R/V’s.
MOTOR OIL (30:1) – Works like magic to emulsify the oil! It is safe for hands and equipment. "SAFE" is extraordinary for wildlife cleanup after an oil spill since it is safe for mammals and other aqueous animals. Dawn Dish Detergent contains toxic chemicals and is not eco-friendly.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS (300:1) – Spray onto lightly dampened cloth, then wipe.
NUTS AND BOLTS (60:1) – Place in a container and soak in solution for 30 minutes, then wipe or brush clean. For really tough grease and corrosion, soak in stronger solution.
ODORS (30:1) – Spray on smelly surface, wait for a minute or two, then wipe.
OFFICE EQUIPMENT (60:1) – Wipe using slightly damp towel (moistened with solution). Dry immediately. Works great to get off tape residue.
OIL, OIL SPILLS & OIL SPOTS (30:1) – Spray, wait, rub with brush, then wipe with a damp cloth. Use stronger solution if needed for heavy spills/spots.
OLD / ANTIQUE PAINTED SURFACES (300:1) – Spray, then wipe.
OLD / ANTIQUE PAINT REMOVAL (10:1) – To remove varnish or paint, use strong solution or straight concentrate. Apply with a cloth or brush. Wait at least 5 minutes. Wipe with a wet cloth. Use a fine grade steel wool if needed to get into crevices. As with any paint or varnish remover, re-apply if needed.
OUTDOOR FLOORS (30:1) – Spray and mop.
OVENS (30:1) – Spray inside of slightly warm oven (not over 100 degrees) with water, then spray with "SAFE"™. Wait a few minutes. Reapply if needed. Scrub the racks with a stiff brush. After the racks are clean, wipe the inside of the oven with a wet cloth. Dry with paper towel or dry rag. Does not require rubber gloves or opening windows!
OXIDATION ON CARS (30:1) – Use the solution with lots of water (as per regular car washing) to remove oxidation and heavy grime.
PAINT AND WOOD STAIN (30:1) – Artists and home improvement gurus love the oil emulsifying power of "SAFE"™.
PAINT BRUSHES (60:1) – Soak brush in solution; rinse with warm water. Easy clean up for oil and water base paints
PANTRIES (60:1) – Spray empty cupboard, wipe and rinse. Do not use on unfinished or varnished wood surfaces.
PATIO FURNITURE (30:1) – Spray, wipe, then dry.
PERMANENT MARKER STAINS (10:1) – Spray on stain, rub vigorously, then launder. May not remove “set-in” stains if previously laundered.
PERSONAL HYGIENE (60:1) – Spray onto washcloth. Massage to work into lather. Wash, rinse. Avoid getting spray into eyes. An aerating foamer pump dispenser creates a smooth, velvety lather. Adjust solution to oiliness of skin.
PET ODORS (30:1) – Spray smelly surface, wait a minute or two, rinse, then wipe.
PET STAINS (30:1) – Spray on stained surface, wait a minute or two, rinse, then wipe. Scrub with a stiff brush if needed.
PETS (60:1) – (Mammals.) Place pet in tub with water. Wet down pet’s fur. Spray fur or use squeeze bottle, work into lather, avoiding eyes. An aerating foam dispenser pump works great. Then rinse. Do not use on pet insects or spiders! "SAFE" is phenomenal on cages, especially snake cages and other animals that stink badly.
PLANTS (HOUSE & GARDEN) (300:1) – Mist directly on houseplants, wipe leaves gently with soft cloth. For outdoor plants and flowers, including roses, put 1 oz. of concentrate in a 2-gallon garden sprayer. Use monthly to promote plant health by improving hydration.
PLAQUE & TARTAR (60:1) – Spray or use foam from an aerating foamer pump dispenser directly on toothbrush with or without toothpaste. Brush as usual. Great for cleaning your tongue, too!
PLASTIC (30:1) – Spray, then wipe..
POISON IVY (30:1) – Spray on and rub into affected area on skin asap after contact with plant. "SAFE" dissolves the toxic oil from the plant and reduces the irritation and rash.
POOL FILTERS (30:1) – Soak, then rinse.
POOL TILES (30:1) – Spray, then wipe. Scrub using a stiff brush, if needed.
POOLS (30:1) – For cleaning empty pools, spray, wipe and rinse. Scrub with a stiff brush, if needed.
POT & PANS (30:1) – Remove burned on food easier after soaking in solution.
PRESSURE WASHING (600:1) – Add 1 ounce "SAFE" concentrate per gallon water.
PRINTING PRESSES (30:1) – Spray, then wipe. Use stronger solution if needed.
PURSES (300:1) – Spray on a cloth and wipe purse clean. Dry with a dry cloth.
RANGE HOODS (30:1) – Spray hood, wipe with damp cloth. Spray screen, then wipe. Scrub with a brush if needed.
REFRIGERATORS (30:1) – Spray, wait 5 seconds, then wipe.
RESTROOMS (30:1) – Spray, wait 30 seconds. Wipe with a damp cloth. Scrub with a brush if needed, then wipe.
R/V’s (30:1) – Use 1 ounce of concentrate per gallon of water. Use spray solution to remove bugs, tar and other grit. Sponge, then rinse.
SCREENS (30:1) – Rinse with water. Spray solution directly on screens with misting pump and scrub with soft brush. Or, mix 1 ounce of raw concentrate per 1 gallon of water. Dip a soft brush into solution, brush on screen and scrub, then rinse.
SCUFF MARKS (30:1) – Spray on scuffed surface, wait a minute or two, then wipe. Scrub with a stiff brush if needed.
SHAMPOO (60:1) – Use an aerating foam dispenser or spray into hair, work into lather, rinse. This is one of the few totally non toxic shampoos you can buy.
SHAVING (60:1) – Use an aerating foam pump dispenser to create a rich, foamy shaving cream. Most shave creams contain toxic chemicals.
SHOES (60:1) – Shoes are made out of many different materials. Cross-reference with plastic, leather, vinyl, fabric, scuff marks, etc. Spray, then wipe.
SHOWERS (30:1) – Spray all surfaces. Wait 10 seconds. Scrub with a brush, then rinse.
SHOWER CURTAIN (30:1) – Spray, leaving on overnight. Rinse before your next shower.
SHOWER DOOR (30:1) – Spray. Scrub with a wet brush. Rinse. Repeat if needed, then dry.
SHOWER TILE (30:1) – Spray. Wait 10 seconds. Scrub with a brush or a rag. (Do not expect a “bleaching” effect on OLD mildew stains. By removing soap scum, new mold can’t grow.
SINKS (30:1) – Spray. Wait 30 seconds, then wipe. If needed, use a brush.
SMOKE DAMAGE (30:1) – Spray surface, wipe with a cloth or scrub using a stiff brush. Rinse. Repeat if needed using a stronger solution.
SOAP SCUM (30:1) – Spray. Wait 60 seconds, then wipe and rinse.
SOOT (30:1) – Spray surfaces, wipe with a damp cloth. If needed, use a stiff brush.
SPAS & HOT TUBS (30:1) – Spray on empty hot tub, wipe, scrub with brush if needed. Use "SAFE" solution (1-pint 30:1 solution per 1,000 gallons of water) to prevent buildup.
SPOTS & STAINS (30:1) – See instructions for specific stains (rust, blood, ink, etc.) and surfaces (fabric, wood, tile, etc.). Use one paper towel behind stain. Wet stain lightly with purified water. Spray solution on a second paper towel. Dab carefully directly on the stain. Follow with more water and a clean paper towel. Press to remove water and lift stain from material.
STAINLESS STEEL (60:1) – Spray, then wipe.
STEEL (30:1) – Spray, then wipe. Scrub with brush if needed.
STOVETOPS (30:1) – Spray, wait a few seconds, then wipe with a damp cloth. Burned on food may require soaking and a scrub pad. Soak implements overnight for easier clean up. Re-spray as needed.
STUCCO (30:1) – Spray, scrub with a stiff brush, then rinse. For mildew, leave on longer before wiping and rinsing.
STUFFED ANIMALS (300:1) – Use an aerating foam pump dispenser to lather-up a light foam on your favorite stuffed animal. Use the water sprayer on the sink to rinse fur with an outward angle so as not to soak the interior stuffing. Keep a clean fluffy towel nearby to dry off and fluff up the fur. Take care with some types of dye. Use a light solution and test a small area prior to use.
TAR (10:1) – We challenge you to find a better tar remover – toxic or not! Spray, scrub using stiff brush, then rinse.
TEETH (300:1) – Use aerating foam pump dispenser directly onto toothbrush (with or without toothpaste), or mist your toothbrush with a fine spray. Brush, and if desired, add a few drops of food grade essential oil of peppermint or cinnamon.
TILE (30:1) – Spray, scrub with a damp cloth, then rinse. "SAFE" helps rid your bath-room of soap scum, destroying a breeding ground for mold and mildew!
TIRES (60:1) – Spray on, scrub using a stiff brush then rinse. Buff dry.
TIRE MARKS (10:1) – Spray mark, wait a minute or two, scrub using a stiff brush, rinse.
TOBACCO STAINS (30:1) – Spray, wait 30 seconds, scrub using small brush, rinse.
TOILETS (30:1) – Spray seat, bowl and sides, including the floor around the toilet. Scrub inside using a brush. Wipe seat, sides and floor with a damp cloth. Add 2 ounces of "SAFE" of 30 to 1 concentrate to the tank if you have cruddy water.
TOOL BOXES (30:1) – Empty toolbox. Spray solution into corners and crevices and wait while you wipe and organize tools. Dry inside toolbox. Spray and wipe dry again if needed.
TOYS (30:1) – Spray solution to dampen cloth, then wipe. Dry with soft cloth. If possible, immerse toys in solution of 2 ounces per gallon and let soak. If needed use soft brush, then rinse.
TREE SAP (10:1) – Spray, wait at least one minute, scrub using brush, then wipe.
TUB & TILE (30:1) – Spray all surfaces. Wait 10 seconds. Scrub with a brush, then rinse.
UPHOLSTERY (30:1) – (see also VINYL and FABRIC) Lightly mist upholstery. Scrub with a dampened brush, then wipe with a damp cloth.
URINE ODORS / STAINS (30:1) – Spray solution directly on carpet, rug or smelly area. Wait 60 – 130 minutes. Rinse and pat dry. For clothing, pre-soak in wash cycle, then launder.
VARNISHED SURFACES (600:1) – Spray on, wipe using damp cloth then dry.
VARNISH REMOVAL (10:1) – To remove varnish or paint, apply strong solution or straight raw concentrate with cloth or brush. Wait at least 30 minutes. Wipe with a wet cloth. As with any paint or varnish remover, multiple applications may be needed.
VEGETABLES (60:1) – Spray, then wipe and rinse. Or, put vegetables in a large bowl, fill with water and spray solution into the bowl, let soak several minutes. Removes pesticide residue.
VENTS (30:1) – Remove vent cover, spray, wait a few minutes, then wipe, then rinse. If cover is not removable, dampen cloth with solution, then wipe. Repeat if needed.
VINYL (60:1) – Spray directly on vinyl, wipe with a damp cloth. Spray on a damp mop or sponge to clean vinyl floors. Use a nylon brush if needed.
VINYL AUTO TOPS (60:1) – Spray and clean using a damp cloth.
WALLPAPER (300:1) – Use a very light solution. First test on remote area. Spray damp rag with "SAFE", then wipe and dry.
WALLPAPER STRIPPING (30:1) – Using a garden sprayer filled with solution, spray walls, waiting several minutes to soak through wallpaper and dissolve glue. Wallpaper peels off in large sheets. Use a paint scraper if needed.
WALLS (300:1) – First test color-fastness in remote area. Spray, wipe using a damp cloth, then dry.
WARTS (2:1) – Apply to affected area.
WATER DAMAGE (30:1) – Spray, wait a few minutes, then scrub using a stiff brush.
WAX SURFACES (600:1) – Mist on, then wipe.
WAX REMOVAL (10:1) – Chill, crack, then peel off excess wax. Apply strong solution or raw concentrate. Wait 5 minutes, then wipe. Scrub and repeat if needed. Use a weaker solution on delicate fabric.
WHITE BOARDS (30:1) – Spray, then wipe.
WINDOW FRAMES (60:1) – Spray directly on window fame, then wipe. Rinse and buff dry using a soft cloth.
WINDSHIELDS / WINDSHIELD WIPER FLUID (30:1) – Fill your vehicle’s wiper fluid container with an ounce of 30:1 solution to help keep bugs and grime off your windshield. TIP: After you’ve emptied your bottle of "SAFE"™ concentrate, fill with purified water to rinse remaining soap from bottle. Use this to fill up your wiper fluid!
WOOD DECKS (30:1) – Works great in pressure washers for outdoor wood like decks. Dip a stiff brush into solution and scrub if needed. Super for removing mildew on hot tub wood surfaces. NOTE: Use added care on unsealed wood, because though an oil emulsifier, "SAFE" is water-based. Dry the wood surface completely with a clean cloth after wiping it with solution.
WOOD FLOORS (300:1) – Spray on floor, then use damp mop to rinse.
WOUNDS (30:1) – Wounds and cuts should always be washed with soap and water. "SAFE" is the finest, purest soap for such purposes and can be used with poultices.
WORKSHOP TOOLS (30:1) – Spray, then wipe.
YARD EQUIPMENT (30:1) – Spray, then wipe.
DISCLAIMER: The statements included in this booklet are for training and instructional purposes only. These statements and suggested uses have not been scientifically evaluated, nor does Green Virgin Products LLC purport that its products are intended to treat or cure any disease or medical condition.
People are becoming chemically sensitive in epidemic proportions, one toxic exposure at a time. The most common reason people become chemically sensitive is because of the daily, bit by bit accumulation of toxins in the body. Toxins are absorbed through the skin, inhaled through the lungs and ingested through the food we eat (most processed foods, meats and produce have pesticides, fluoride, dioxins and other environmental contaminants.)
While we can’t control many of these chemical exposures, we can control a major source: common household cleaning products and personal care products that can be replaced by Green Virgin Products. It is that simple. Start reducing your risk today by getting to know what products are most toxic in your home.
Household cleaners and detergents marked with the “signal” words: “Caution”, “Warning” or “Danger” are legally defined as poisonous. These three words are legal markers mandated by the EPA to appear on the label, and mean that a product is lethal enough to kill an adult 180-pound male in certain specific amounts. They replaced the familiar but no longer seen Skull & Crossbones symbol that was formerly used to designate lethal poisons
The new terms are as follows:
CAUTION: An ounce to a pint could be FATAL to an adult if ingested.
WARNING: A teaspoon to an ounce could be FATAL to an adult if ingested.
DANGER: A taste to a teaspoon could be FATAL to an adult if ingested.
Children cannot read these words of warning! Their bodies also cannot handle what an adult body can handle. Using Green Virgin Products non-toxic cleaner, "SAFE"™, you can replace almost all harmful household cleaning products, effectively eliminating risk of accidental poisonings and inhalant abuse. You have an urgent responsibility to protect your children and teenagers from poisons, and not just from accidental poisonings and misuse of toxins. Equally devastating is the unintentional brain, organ and tissue damage from continuous exposure to common household chemicals, ranging from learning difficulties, inability to concentrate and numerous allergic reactions all the way up to permanent Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Don’t just try to hide poisons from your curious toddler or teenager. REMOVE THEM! It can’t happen in your home if there aren’t any poisons available for them to get into. "SAFE" ™ cleans so well and is so versatile that you will no longer need to worry about poisons in your home.