The Health Benefits of the Moringa Plant

Health benefits of the Moringa Plant, one of the most nutritious and useful foods in the world, are supported by 

scientifically-proven research. From the roots to the leaves to the seeds, almost every part of the unique plant can be used to benefit your health and wellness.

There are hundreds of common illnesses and diseases that the moringa plant has been used to treat and prevent. It has even become popular in the cosmetic industry for its powerful impact on your skin and hair. Although it has been used as a home remedy for thousands of years all over the world, the scientific community is taking notice recently and the studies show the undeniable health benefits to those that eat and use the moringa plant every day.

Moringa Leaves Benefits

The most popular and nutritious part of the Moringa plant by far is the leaves. They are commonly used by drying them

and grinding them into a fine powder. This moringa leaf powder makes it easy to add Moringa into just about any meal or drink. It is a great addition to a shake or smoothie.

Moringa leaves are known as a fantastic superfood that packs more vitamins, minerals, proteins, amino acids and antioxidants into every serving than any other plant in the world. Moringa leaves contain more antioxidants than any other edible plant. Moringa leaves also contains an amazing 36 different anti inflammatory compounds. It contains all the essential amino acids our bodies require so they help with a wide array of diseases and conditions.

Moringa Oil Benefits

Moringa oil, also known as Ben oil, is the by-product of using the cold press process to extract this rare oil from the

Moringa Oil

seeds of the moringa plant. This unique oil has so many wonderful uses and health benefits. Like the leaf powder, moringa oil has a very high concentration of nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids.

Moringa oil is most commonly used as a natural moisturizer. It has many proven benefits for your skin when used regularly. You will immediately notice the way that it leaves your skin soft and supple. It has many benefits beyond that though. The oil is also an effective anti-inflammatory. You can apply it directly to any areas of your body that have joint or muscle pain from inflammation to get direct relief.

Impressive List of Proven Benefits

Moringa has a long history as a home remedy for many things from malnutrition to disease prevention and treatment. Recent scientific studies are showing strong support for many of these long time practices. In a 2012 review of the most significant scientific studies in regards to Moringa, they found evidence that Moringa plants act as a cardiac and circulatory stimulant. They also found it to possess anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, and cholesterol lowering properties. There was even strong evidence of antibacterial and antifungal activity as well.

The Moringa plant is first and foremost a great addition to a healthy diet. It has large percentage of your daily required nutrients with very few calories per serving. Moringa is also packed with Iron (more than 3x that of Spinach) so you should feel a lasting and natural boost of energy and focus.

As you can see, there is a plethora of uses that this wonderful plant offers. Ready to learn more? Find out about 9 powerful ways that Moringa can improve your life!

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