SuperMix Moringa vs Green Virgin Moringa - What's The Difference?
You may believe that all moringa is created equal and that couldn't be further from the truth! Many of the moringa products available to buy can be full of binders and fillers. Companies do this to increase profitability and reduce costs.
This rule is of no exception when it comes to Isagenix SuperMix or SmartMix; products by Isagenix that both contain moringa - specifically their SmartMix and Supermix.
In this post, we'll be highlighting the difference between SuperMix Moringa and Green Virgin Moringa and why it pays dividends to find the purest form of moringa to maximise the benefits.
What are the ingredients in SmartMix and SuperMix moringa?
Both SmartMix and SuperMix contain similar ingredients (listed below). What’s interesting to remember is that the ingredients are listed in descending order by weight, meaning that there’s actually more flavoring than actual moringa in both of these Isagenix products.
SuperMix: Proprietary Blend (Natural Tropical Flavor, Moringa Leaf Blend) (Leaf Powder), Mango Flavor) Pure Cane Sugar, Fruit Pectin, Agar, Citric Acid, Stevia, Silica.
SmartMix: Proprietary Blend (Chicory Root Extract, Moringa oleifera Blend) (Leaf Powder, Seed Cake, Fruit Powder), FoTi Root Extract 12:1), Natural Tropical Flavor, Fruit Pectin, Guar Gum, Agar, Citric Acid, Stevia, Silica, Stearic Acid.
What is the difference between the SmartMix and Supermix morninga products?
The difference between the two is very small as they are basically the same product. The Supermix is supposed to have more of the proprietary blend, but it is apparent from the supplement facts that the difference is negligible.
Due to the deceptive strategy of using a proprietary blend, it is impossible to tell how much moringa is in either of the two products. In fact, it could contain almost no moringa at all and it would be completely legal for them to do this.
The biggest difference is simply that the Supermix has 3 more grams of sugar and some mango flavor added to it when compared directly to SmartMix.
Isagenix SmartMix

Isagenix SuperMix

What do the SuperMix and SmartMix reviews say?
The reviews vary from very positive to very negative. I wouldn’t put much stock into reviews though as they will not tell the whole story and can be very misleading. Presumably, people searching for reviews want to know… Does it work?
Does Isagenix actually work?
The short answer is, unlikely. The more nuanced answer is, maybe, but at what cost? The supplement supposedly works because of the health benefits of moringa. All of the other ingredients are fillers and flavorings. Now remember what the Isagenix, SmartMix, and SuperMix really are… They are “moringa supplements” with an unknown amount of moringa and can legally have almost no moringa at all. Now is it possible that the small amount of moringa in these products is helping people? Sure it is, but why would anyone spend four dollars per serving on a moringa supplement with an unknown amount of moringa when they can get the highest quality 100% pure moringa in the world for less than twenty five cents per serving? The answer is because Isagenix is a deceptive multilevel marketing company that takes advantage of people and their products are more expensive than products containing far more moringa.
What happened to the Zija brand of moringa?
Zija was the original company to sell the SuperMix and SmartMix, but it was acquired by Isagenix. As a result, the official Zija moringa brand is no longer trading and all of their products are now branded underneath the Isagenix branding.
What are the best SuperMix moringa alternatives?
Finding a better alternative to Isagenix shouldn’t be too difficult providing that you remember the core and primary ingredient that provides Isagenix with its benefits is in fact moringa. It’s important to find a product that contains both more moringa and additionally only uses moringa leaf powder. Other parts of the moringa tree can be less rich in nutrients. The leaves are the most sought after parts of the tree. Additionally, it’s important that the moringa you buy is free of oxygen as oxidation can destroy and degrade the nutritional contents of the moringa - particularly the leaves. Green Virgin moringa products are packaged in our triple-layered oxygen-free packaging to ensure no nutrients are lost and your moringa is delivered to you in the best possible condition.
SuperMix vs Green Virgin Moringa
Isagenix costs 16 times more, contains much less moringa per serving, and is loaded with fillers.
Green Virgin Products moringa is 100% pure, fresh, and affordable. We are proud to sell a quality product at an affordable price. We do not believe in the unethical business model of multi level marketing companies who sell low quality products for exorbitant prices.
Is there more moringa in Isagenix or Green Virgin Moringa?
Green Virgin Products has more moringa in it than Isagenix. Our moringa is 100% pure. How much moringa is in Isagenix? Nobody knows. If you are buying a “moringa supplement,” and you don't know how much moringa is in it, it is because the company is hiding something.
Does Green Virgin use any fillers or binders in its Moringa supplements?
Green Virgin Products does not use any fillers or binders. It is 100 percent pure. Even the capsules (in our moringa capsules) is 100% vegan.
What do former Isagenix moringa users say?
Tanya M. -- “Been a Zija customer for a lot of years. Zija is way over priced. Since Isagenix brought Zija not as many deals.Thought I'd give Green Product Moringa a try. So far I'm liking the taste and price. Even my dog enjoys his Moringa mixed in his dog food.”
Richard K. – “Switched from Zija, more affordable and superior product!”
Robert B. – “Excellent product, I’ve been using Green Virgin Products for several years since they converted me from Zija products. Bobby”
Horacio P. – “Been using this for almost a year to replace my Zija packets which we considerably more expenses and did not notice any difference except in my wallet”
Angela S. – “I was a loyal Zija SuperMix user for a solid year, and was very happy to find a Moringa product that is so much more economical and much more simplistic in content. I know what I am consuming! Jen C. – “I used to be a Zija user and i had to stop because it was so expensive. Once I read about the proprietary blend and what it meant, I was more than excited to try PURE MORINGA! So far I am very happy with this product. I've only been taking it for a few weeks but I can feel a difference. I'm so glad I stumbled upon your product.” Toni B. – “So happy I found you--so much better than Zija in every way!!” Jean S. – “I have been using Zija moringa for a couple years. I’m finding that Green Virgin is not only far more cost effective, but every bit as effective as it claims to be. Feeling great- and so is my wallet!”