Beyond Just Laundry: Soap Nuts Liquid & How To Use It

Soap Nuts are catching on as the all-natural cleaner. If you haven’t heard of them yet, here’s a quick crash course: 

they are not actually nuts, which means you can use them even if you have nut allergies. They’re little nut-like berries that develop a hard shell when they dry. And because they’re berries, they’re all-natural and work like soap or laundry detergent without any manmade chemicals or additives. They are packed with saponins, which are strong, natural cleaners.

Most people like to toss soap nuts (sealed inside a mesh wash bag) into their laundry to get their clothes clean and fluffy without the use of chemical detergents or softeners. Because the natural soap inside of soap nuts is so gentle, they’re a great laundry detergent for baby clothes and for use by people with allergies or sensitive skin.

What Is Soap Nuts Liquid?

We’ve covered the basics: soap nuts, laundry, gentle and all-natural. But soap nuts can be used for more than just laundry. Soap nuts liquid gives you the ability to clean anything that needs cleaning—from windows and floors to your hair and your pets. Soap nuts liquid is gentle, safe, and can be used to clean anything!

How Do I Make Soap Nuts Liquid?

Making soap nuts liquid takes just a bit of time, but the end result is worth it. All you’ll need is about 20 soap nuts, 6 cups of water (to start out), and a sterilized container to safely store your soap nuts liquid.

Pour the water in a medium pot and toss in your soap nuts. Boil them for approximately 20 minutes. As the water boils down, you’ll need to add more, so after the initial 20 minutes, add a cup of water. After ten more minutes, add 2 cups of water, then continue to boil the soap nuts for 10 minutes. Allow the liquid to cool and remove the soap nuts from the liquid before pouring it into your storage container. If you’d like to add fragrance to your soap nuts liquid, add in any essential oil of your choice.

Soap nuts liquid will last longest if stored in the refrigerator. Make sure to CLEARLY LABEL your container of soap nuts liquid. Some people say it looks like kombucha, and you don’t want any fans of the fermented tea to open your fridge and start swigging down your soap nuts liquid before they realize what it is. It’s also a good idea to store the liquid out of the reach of small children because it should not be consumed.

What Can You Use Soap Nuts For?

In a word—everything! Use soap nuts liquid as liquid laundry detergent. Use it to scrub down your kitchen counters or your shower. Soap nuts liquid is a great glass cleaner. If you need a bit more grit or cleaning power, you can mix your soap nuts liquid with baking soda or white vinegar to give it a natural boost.

Soap nuts liquid is also gentle and safe enough to use in the shower/bath or as a pet shampoo. However, do note that the liquid is not tear-free and it does sting if it gets into the eyes, so be careful! Besides that, go boldly into the world of soap nut cleaning power. Enjoy!

At Green Virgin Products, we use the finest, deseeded soap nuts to make our exclusive Soap Nuts Liquid. You can get the convenience of the liquid without having to go through the long process of making it. You’ll love the natural cleaning power from your very first use and we want to prove it with a special discount. Use coupon code: 10off – to get 10% off at checkout on our website today.

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