Is moringa a natural way to produce more breast milk?

Producing more high quality breast milk is a key focus for breastfeeding mothers around the world.

One of moringa’s most notable benefits is that it has been scientifically proven to increase the supply and quality of breast milk.

This helps to ensure the health and longevity of mothers and infants.

ℹ️ Moringa is a well-known, natural galactagogue, a substance that both promotes and boosts the volume of milk produced by breastfeeding mothers.

It has been used for centuries as a natural folk remedy to increase breast milk supply and to provide a valuable source of nourishment both for babies and for their mothers.

A 2013 study review published in the Philippines Journal of Pediatrics explored the findings of five scientific trials on moringa’s ability to impact breast milk production.

The review found that moringa does indeed produce increases in milk volume when compared to placebos, while other research has confirmed these findings.

Additionally, all the studies conducted on moringa as a galactagogue found no reported side effects when consuming moringa while pregnant and breastfeeding.

Most of the women who participated in the trials only reported benefits such as more energy, stronger immune systems, and a more abundant supply of nutritious breast milk.

With so many confirmed benefits, we’re taking a closer look at moringa’s proven benefits for boosting milk production and nutritional value in a safe and sustainable way.

Can Moringa Help to Enrich Breast Milk?

According to a 2021 study published in the journal PLoS One, moringa oleifera leaves increase breast milk volume by increasing levels of the hormone prolactin and providing essential nutrients to breastfeeding mothers.

The same review noted that mothers who consumed cookies containing moringa increased the quality of their breast milk, and in particular, the amount of protein present therein.

Moreover, moringa is rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, including calcium, iron, and vitamins A, E and K. These nutrients help to keep mothers and infants healthy and lower the risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Moringa leaves contain a complete source of plant protein and all 9 essential amino acids, along with antioxidants and fiber to support gut health, proper development, and lasting good health.

A study in Food Science and Human Wellness notes that moringa leaves are rich in vitamins and phytochemicals.

Extracts of the leaves are widely used to treat malnutrition and enhance breast milk production in lactating mothers. Moringa is also used as a robust antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer supplement, antimicrobial agent, and anti-diabetic treatment.

It’s clear moringa offers a wealth of beneficial effects that help to treat a range of challenges experienced during pregnancy and the postpartum period.

Moringa also boosts breast milk volume

Research has demonstrated that moringa leaves boosted the production of breast milk postpartum on days 4 and 5 among mothers who had delivered pre-term babies.

One study published in 2022 noted that the breast milk volume found in the moringa group of their research was 47% higher than the volume assessed in the control group. The study concluded that moringa can be used as a milk production-promoting herb to increase breast milk volume.

Other studies have noted that women who took moringa capsules produced more breast milk per day from postpartum days 3 to 10, compared to the women who only took placebos.

While this data did not show statistically significant results, it does still indicate that moringa has the power to enhance breast milk production shortly after delivery and beyond.

Moringa’s rich phytosterol content acts as a precursor for specific hormones involved in reproductive health and growth.

The plant offers an abundant source of phytosterols like sitosterol, kampesterol, and stigmasterol. These increase estrogen production and stimulate the growth of mammary gland ducts, which in turn produce more breast milk.

Moringa is widely used to treat malnutrition in children under the age of 3, and around 6 spoonful of high quality leaf powder can meet a pregnant women’s daily calcium and iron requirements.

How Long Does Moringa Take to Impact Breast Milk Production?

Moringa can positively impact breast milk production and nutritional content in as little as 24 hours after ingestion, according to the latest research.

However, the supplement should be taken on an ongoing basis to maximize the results achieved. In most cases, the longer you take moringa for, the better your overall health and nutrition outcomes will be.

Speak to your doctor or medical specialist about how and when to use moringa to impact your breast milk production and how long you should use it for to give your infant the best possible start in life.

Most medical professionals recommend starting supplementation in the second trimester to optimize breast milk production and nutritional value postpartum.

Is Moringa Safe to Take While Breastfeeding?

There have been many safety studies conducted on moringa in animal trials. Most of these studies have been conducted using aqueous extracts of the leaves. The results largely indicate a high and consistent degree of safety.

According to a 2015 study on the safety of moringa in humans, oral moringa supplementation exhibited significant antioxidant, anti-dyslipidemic, and anti-hyperglycemic effects without any adverse side effects being noted.

While moringa is largely considered to be safe to use during pregnancy, caution is still needed. Speak to a trusted healthcare professional before starting any supplement regimens during your pregnancy to find the optimal dosages and schedules for your needs.

When to Start Taking Moringa During Pregnancy

Moringa leaves are packed with essential vitamins, minerals and micro-nutrients that can help to support a healthy pregnancy, especially from the second trimester onward.

However, it is important to note that pregnant women should only take moringa leaf supplements. They should avoid any supplements made from the bark, stems, roots, or flowers of the moringa oleifera tree.

Moringa leaf powder can be used as a caffeine-free alternative to coffee for pregnant women. It can help to increase energy levels and ward off fatigue, keep bowel movements regular and prevent constipation.

Plus, it provides plenty of fiber to maintain gut and endocrine health throughout pregnancy and the postpartum period.

A Mother’s Natural Helper

Moringa oleifera leaves are a powerful supplement that can not only optimize the nutritional status of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers but promote improved breast milk production and breast milk quality as well.

Moringa has been widely used as a traditional remedy for breast milk production for centuries – particularly in Asia and the Philippines. Now, modern science is confirming these health-promoting effects both for mothers and for their infants.

Remember to choose a top-quality, pure moringa supplement like those offered by Green Virgin Products. This will ensure that you and your family enjoy maximum benefit from your supplementation regime.

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